Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Google Name Game

I found this posting about putting Your_Name + Needs in quotes and then writing down the interesting things that show up in search results. Here's mine (i've omitted my real name), but it's the gist:

  • JadedTLC needs sex.
  • JadedTLC needs a home.
  • JadedTLC needs all dues ($15) as soon as possible.
  • JadedTLC needs to be held and loved openly.
  • JadedTLC needs to show that the city is going to take a proactive role in resolving the school problems.
  • JadedTLC needs more friends.
  • JadedTLC needs to blackmail a friend to get information about her blind date.
  • JadedTLC needs to be given proper credit.
  • JadedTLC needs to get to work.
  • JadedTLC needs the help of river pirates to free her brother.
Teeheeheee! I'd love to be held and loved openly, maybe that's why I'm looking for friends -- and not just friends, but friends who will get me information on a blind date. By the way, where are you blind date?


Blogger Jen said...


11/05/2005 2:41 PM  

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