Sunday, February 19, 2006

ISO Loving Campanion

I have finally given in to my destiny. I am about to embark on the adventure I knew was coming. I am starting my new life as "cat lady." As my love life has crumbled, my trust has been shattered, I have decided the only male worth having around is an adorable kitten. And I found him. (At least I hope they let me adopt it.)

Instead of elaborating on my recent downfall into depression, I'd rather talk about a new and bright future. Of hours of love and friendship. Of a destiny which was my own years ago, of which I am finally done denying.

I've lost my faith in human males towards non plutonic relationships. I've only seen a dark netherworld, where lies are truth. And truth is an unknown concept. And I'm so tired of the excuse "I didn't want to hurt your feelings." Bullshit I say.

You didn't want to hurt your own feelings. (Truth, but yet unacknowledged.)

But that is neither here nor there and the state of the union has changed. As if W has poisoned all of y'all.

But I digress (not unusual, just noticed).

I saw a sunset caress the ocean tonight. The crisp LosAngelian winter night lay chaste against a virgin sky. At least today it was. The air was breatheable, and in some places unusually so. Smog was but a myth and death was but a fleeting thought. As I drove in the startlingly bright sunshine, the future was bigger than it was just moments before.

My disappointment lies in wait though. Pondering the moment of pounce. Careful, not to be noticed in such clean thoughts. Eying its prey, only to crush my doomed heart and crack up the pieces, mulch them, into a fine powdered dust to be carried on a cold wintry breath.

I know it's there. It knows I know. And for now, we are in harmony.


Blogger Leese said...

I'm sure you have heard this before...but the minute you stop looking a man comes along. Honestly, it's a little weird. Just wait. It will happen. Plus, who wouldn't want to date a GREAT person like yourself?

2/20/2006 12:02 PM  
Blogger JadedTLC said...

Thank you both for your kind words. I do appreciate it. I was facing a tough week --- and your wisdom did follow me through.

2/23/2006 10:50 PM  

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