Friday, January 20, 2006

Ahhhh... Breathe Out

Thanks to the lovely Comcast cable man, overall clad, sparkling (chin?) jewelry and joyful morning smile -- I have my Internet back. It's sort of like that feeling "I want my MTV."

Now I get to wrestle with their customer service to get credited the week my connection went on vacation. Joyful, I am sooo not looking forward to this upcoming Pay Per View tussle.

Regarding the movie "Mitchell": I loved that show Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Netflixed one of the movies. I think it's mainly because I've seen enough bad movies that I reckon I can call myself a half movie critic and sometimes enjoy bantering through the better portion of the particularly poor workmanship pieces. "Mitchell" is one of those pieces. Literally, I think I've seen many films centered on Los Angeles, but none so heinous as this one. One of the characters commented that he's seen faster funeral processions than the chase scene between the buick and the 70'sish Ford Mustang. I would concede this as a valid truth.

In any event, my nostalgia has led me to also Netflix the TV series, "Bewitched." I am thoroughly re-enjoying this classic. I can't say it's timeless because the idea that a married woman stays home all day is a rather ridiculous notion in our day. Thankyouverymuch Georgie Pooh Bush. (Read sarcasm here.)

Other than that and finding a sort of mental block in my writing. I find myself yawning like no tomorrow. Good evening, good morning, good afternoon. "Good Day."

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Online Woes

My cable modem is down at home (either the hardware or the wiring -- thank you so much Comcast). :-( I'll try to blog this weekend assuming picking up a new modem on Saturday solves the problem.

I look forward to talking about the movie Mitchell, Apples to Apples, and other fun stories.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Happy Birthday

Today, I awoke to a familiar tune in the fathoms of my brain. One that I'm sure some part of the RIAA has copyrighted and if I wrote any of the lyrics on here, I'd get sued for every penny I don't have and the figure would look like the typical RIAA member's paycheck. Oh alright, I'll write it regardless of them: "Happy Birthday to me.. "

Facing my last year in my 20s and the madness that follows that announcement, I may have a lot to accomplish this year. I'm just not sure what that is. Fearing the best and the worst, I suppose. Sometimes I feel vulnerable about all the change; sometimes I want to be in love. Then there are other moments when I'm excited and feel so secure in everything; those times I don't want anything to do with love.

After plugging away for 29 years, I'm standing at a pivotal part of life. Just another precipice that determines who I will be for the next decade that life offers me. (Also, assuming life does offer me another decade).

The moon was cold and pale last night. And the stars were twinkling. And a part of me wanted to cry, because I felt alone. But then my best friend came and we had dinner and I was sure everything was gonna be alright after all. I think I'm worrying about those big questions that come in your thirties (when are you gonna get married; when are you gonna start a family; where's your mortgage/house) that I can no longer shrug off by saying (I'm only twenty-something; I'm still young). Especially with all these risk factors of having kids after a certain age, I guess I do have a biological clock ticking and it is starting to get louder. But for now I can still muffle the sound so I think it's just a ghost of a noise.

So all of y'all who aren't at my precipice, don't worry so much; and live life to it's boldest. To the ones who've gone past me -- any advice? To the rest of us on the precipice -- let's hold hands and J U M P!

Monday, January 02, 2006


As I sit here, the day after the newest day of the year, I'm sniffling worse than Mr. Snufflupagas with a bad cocaine habit. I've personally contributed to several trees/cotton plants annihilation and should just go ahead and buy Kleenex (TM) stocks. And then my illness led to an addiction stint with Final Fantasy X.

So now I can write again.

Ahem. I find myself revelling in the thought of choosing New Year's Resolutions. I know most people cast aside these myths within a couple of weeks, but I've had a rather productive 2005. With last year being the dawn of my 10 years into adulthood benchmark, I had all these high school dreams I wanted to get done, and looking back, I only missed one -- going to New Orleans for Mardis Gras (granted last year was my last chance probably for a long time too). Interestingly enough, I achieved all of my resolutions for 2005, and a month before deadline, I might add.

Let's see, there was:
  1. Getting a new job
  2. Getting my own apartment
  3. Kissing Maverick
  4. Going to London
With so many achievements, I'm stumbling around for a new goal. I want to put "gym visits" on the list for this year, but I'm wondering how steady my resolve will be in three weeks. My excuse for the first day is "but I'm sick..." which is true. However, how many "but's" will I dig up to avoid losing the 15 pounds that keep finding me?

I've pondered some interesting scenarios this past year, grown up a lot. Lost a few friends, gained a few more; signed on the dotted line, all by myself, studied to be a millionaire, and got myself writing again. I think that was the best thing though. Getting my ink back. The page was so blank without me.

I think I want to start volunteering for something this year. Yet I'm not sure what. Any votes?